Enter Here if You Are Happy

Namaste Ripple Yoga Community


We are collectively creating a Ripple Effect in humanity, an underlying movement of self-realization that has the power to make the world a better place!


Our lineage teaches that Health and Happiness are our birthrights, and we should not allow anyone or anything to infringe upon them. This is a huge part of the practice of the Yamas and Niyamas, which we discuss frequently in our virtual studio throughout the curriculum. It is the recognition of the self through an understanding of how we treat others, how we allow others to treat us, and how we treat ourselves.


We learn, and more importantly, experience, that it is one thing to intellectually understand that health and happiness is a birthright, but entirely another to live it!

That is where the rubber meets the road, in the experience.


I like to say “Don’t just be your intentions, live them by experiencing them.” This is similar to “talk is cheap” or “Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk.” We begin to recognize that if actions and outcomes don’t equal our words and thoughts, we are cheating ourselves out of both health and happiness.


In Ripple Yoga, we get to experience the full beauty of life on these terms, the fullest expansion and expression of self, without judgment, connected to the universe.


Write Your Story

Be the Ripple Effect 


What is at least one way you can spread joy today? Perhaps reach out to a friend or family member just to say Hi, smile at a stranger, offer to run an errand for someone, share your joys as well as struggles with a close friend, give a sincere compliment, cheer someone on for good work they are doing, etc…


Try Something New

Live life to the experience and try new things. Yoga teaches us that the meaning of life is to Experience It!


Is there something you have always wanted to try? Some examples might be learning a language, playing an instrument, exploring a new place, taking a course, etc…