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In this follow-up foundational course, we will build upon the previous teachings and practices. Some key concepts we’ll cover include: an exploration of the 8 limbs of yoga, an introduction to the chakras, explanation of the five bodies of self, a discussion on the impact of stress and anxiety and much more!
Learn and practice a short spine and hip strengthening sequence, essential posture tutorials, the mantra om, a guided meditation for manifesting your highest aspirations and intentions, the sukha pranayama practice, a life-changing gratitude activity and so much more
Let your inner light shine as you embark on the Path to the Sun!
Note that the Foundation 1 course MUST be completed before taking this foundation 2 course
Make sure to mark all lesson, activities and practices complete to collect your badges as well as taking the quiz at the end.
Enjoy 60 days of access to all content with your purchase of this course. From there, walk the Path to Mooladhara Chakra as you level up your Yoga knowledge