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This course builds upon the previous two courses and will take you on a journey to unlock the energies within the base chakra. Mooladhara (root) Chakra is the energy center primarily associated with root support, the coccyx (tailbone) and survival in the physical world.
Teachings and practices in this course include: Yoga and the Brain, the Formula for Change, the Surya Namaskar (sun salutations), the Art of Meditation, more how-to posture tutorials, the Om Japa, low lung expansion practices and a lot more!
Note that the Path to the Sun, foundation two course MUST be completed before embarking on the path of Mooladhara Chakra
With your purchase, enjoy 90 days of access to all 40 pieces of content, including philosophical teachings and practices
Get strong, serene and access your inner peace. Unlock the power of Mooladhara Chakra
“The more we are balanced, the better the world is. I think anything we do to balance ourselves, ground ourselves, we contribute toward the planet in its own way. Every drop makes up the ocean.”