Learn the basic definitions of common yoga termsĀ
- YOGA ~ To yoke together ~ Unity ~ Conscious Evolution ~ A way of life
- YOGA SUTRAS ~ A string of thoughts compiled together on the theory & practice of yoga
- MAHARISHI PATANJALI ~ Indian sage who codified the Yoga Sutras
- EIGHT LIMBS OF YOGA ~ The eight-fold path to enlightenment
- YAMA & NIYAMA ~ The first 2 limbs of Yoga, defined as moral restraints & ethical observances
- ASANA ~ The 3rd limb, defined as a state of being, a posture or a seat
- PRANAYAMA ~ The 4th limb, defined as breath restraint & experience of witnessing the life-force energy
- PRATYAHARA ~ The 5th limb, defined as sensory withdrawal or fulfillment of the senses
- DHARANA ~ The 6th limb, defined as a single point of concentration
- DHYANA ~ The 7th limb, defined as a state of meditation or absorption
- SAMADHI ~ The 8th limb, where the individual and universal self unite into one
- CHAKRA ~ An energy vortex that intersects with the physical body via the glandular system
- SANSKRIT ~ Ancient language derived from the Vedas of India that carries the beauty and purity of the teachings of yoga. We speak this language throughout the virtual studio along with the english names
- NAMASTE ~ Gesture of reverence and recognition of the Divine in another being
- PARAMPARA ~ A yoga lineage of teachings and practices that have been passed down through the ages from guru to student
- PRANA ~ Essential life-force energy that drives movement